About us
About us
Established in 1989, Yufung Container Enterprise is located in Kaohsiung, the largest harbor city in Taiwan (Asia), which hosts one of the largest yards for empty containers.
For decades Yufung has been working hard to perform maintenance services at an IICL standard. Yufung is your best partner with professional technical support and a variety of container services.
YUFUNG provides professional container services in all dimensions.We are proud of the services we provide to every client. No matter what your requests are, we will serve you to the best of our container expertise services.

Specialty of Yufung
Convenient, Safe Storage and Container Transit Services,Guaranteed Quality from Professional aintenance Techniques
Services in All-DimensionsProvide a large container yard, maintenance, renovative design, purchase and rental services.
Certified ProfessionYufung has obtained a professional license from The Institute of International Container Lessors (IICL)
International CertificationAppointed by various listed international shipping and container rental companies.
Geographic AdvantageLocated in Kaohsiung, the traffic hub of Asian shipping routes.
Space AdvantageProvide container rental and shipping companies with massive storage and transit services. We have a large container yard for empty ", with an area of 55,000 square meters."

『 OPEN TOP 』and『 FLAT TOP 』, choice of 20 ft. and 40 ft.

4 Models: 20’ 8.5”, 40' 8.5”, 40’ 9.5”, 45’ 9.5”

ISO Tank Container
是一種帶有20英尺國際標準集裝箱外部框架的不銹鋼容器。用綜合方式裝載液體(Liquids)、汽體(Gases)、粉末(Powder)、細粒(Granules),以安全方式(油槽櫃需遵守符合相關之壓力、溫度..等等的規範)長途運輸且沒有額外成本處理傳統容器桶(Barrels and Drums)。